Warning: After this you may no longer want to deal with copywriters so full of themselves you can barely work up the courage to talk to them...

Empathy Copywriting:
"Sneaky Sales Approach Works Like A Triple-Bypass On Your Prospects Resistance!"

Forget Sales Copy That Feels... Copied.

Mirror The Direct Wishes And Emotions Of Your Prospects -
They'll Open Their Wallets Almost Without Noticing!

From the writing desk of: 
Juho Tunkelo
Helsinki, Finland

Juho Tunkelo - Word Artist

Greetings from Profit Coast!

Dear Internet Business Operator,

I KNOW the agony you're going through. 

You want to sell your product online, and the last obstacle you face is getting sales copy that actually converts traffic into sales.

Then IT happens. 

You research the Big Name copywriters online, and realize two things about them:

  1. They all act as if copywriting is a Secret Craft only those rightfully chosen and initiated... EVER have the chance of understanding (much less using for profit).

  2. They all have HUGE egos. They can't stop writing about themselves, how great
    they are, and above all how they're better than others.

Truth is, sometimes it's downright embarrassing to watch.

And it's not because self-promotion is beneath me. After all, you wouldn't be reading this page if I thought that.  I don't like promoting myself much, simply because the truth about copywriting isn't about how great I am!

It's about knowing where YOU come from and what you want.

It's ALL about getting inside THEIR heads, getting comfortable in their shoes and then write to them directly as your customer... pulling the strings I need to have them see what YOU see.

Because you know what...

Does this sound like a familiar situation to you:

"My Product Absolutely ROCKS
So Why Aren't They Buying?!"

You KNOW your prospects are crazy not to buy your product. That's what's driving you crazy when you see sales slip by. (Whoops, there goes another one.) 

The reason is simple: THEY DO NOT KNOW what you know!

That's where my strange but crazy-effective talent comes in.

 My job is to crawl right under your prospect's skin, sniff out what they're looking for...

...and then show them what You already know about your product (but you didn't know how to get it across to them)! 

They'll end up thinking and feeling this:

"Well, it's only logical and common sense to buy this product - how could I not, it's exactly what I've been looking for!"

Ka-Ching! Too Late Now!

And when I've got them there... it's too late to back out!

They've already committed with their heart and soul, and at that point they'd feel like cheating or even sinning if they didn't buy from you. 

THAT's why marketers and business owners all over the world pay me rather handsome fees to write their sales letters, email campaigns, video scripts, product launch strategies...

It's because of that 'GRIP OF EMPATHY' that my copy produces for them, out-converting anything else they've ever tried.

And they're actually happy to part with their hard-earned money, because they know my copy will work even harder to make them MORE money!

For undisputable PROOF, take just one recent client's words to heart:

"Grossed Me A Quarter Of A Million - 
Best Result Ever!"

Yaro press picI'm an information product creator and a few times a year I conduct product launch campaigns to promote my products. Each time I do this, the key point of conversion where I make my money is the sales page.

If you don't invest in a good sales page, you reduce the effectiveness of all other parts of your campaign. Why work so hard to bring traffic to your pages only for people to leave having never bought from you to experience your fantastic products.

That's why when it was time to launch my newest product, MembershipSiteMastermind.com, I called on Juho Tunkelo. He turned my sales page into a sales converting masterpiece

My launch of this product grossed almost a quarter of a million dollars, so needless to say, I was happy with the results and wholeheartedly recommend Juho as a great copywriter.

Yaro Starak
Blogger And Information Marketer, Australia

Before we move on to the good stuff, I need to set your mind at ease and make sure you don't make a mistake that could cost you hundreds of thousands...

Shake Off That Smell Of Fear 
- Of Making REAL Money! -

You see, I know ALL about the 'oh I can't afford a real copywriter' syndrome. You feel like you're shelling out all this cash without knowing it comes back to you, and then some.

The thing is though, a real copywriter KNOWS. I know when I write for you, I KNOW I'll be hitting the hot buttons your prospects can't resist - and they'll respond by buying from you.

I understand that hiring a REAL copywriter is a leap of faith on YOUR part, so let me lay it all out for you - right here, right now! 

Here's the not-really-secret SECRET:

It's All About How Much Money You Make IN PROPORTION!

Because let's say you hire a writer from, say.. Elance.com, for a few hundred or a thousand dollars.

 What happens is, they do the job, deliver your copy, and that's IT! They have no incentive to make it WORK, they just want the job DONE and get paid! 

A REAL copywriter, however, will not write for writing's sake - I write to get you RESULTS. It's MY reputation on the line after all, not yours.

So which is more 'expensive':

A $1,000 copywriter who nets you $2,000 in sales

A $10,000 copywriter who nets you $200,000 in sales!

Make $1,000 vs $190,000? Hmmmm.... Tough choice, huh?

Even so, I know you may have some doubts or apprehensions about hiring a REAL copywriter. 

Therefore I'm making it easy on you - here's my personal guarantee to you:

Guarantee copy

Before you get all excited though, I feel I must tell you something very important to your results...

'The Obligatory Word Of Warning'
(Easy - This Probably Does Not Concern You...)

Sound good so far? I hope so. 

At this point, I want to tell you a little bit about the way I work and who I choose to work with.

I work very quickly. A typical delivery time for a fully decked sales letter is one week. Sometimes two if there's more back-and-forth.

Basically I like to work very quickly - it's weird, but it's how I often come up with the absolute best converting copy for my clients. 

Call me an intuitive copywriter if you will - I tend to pick up on things other, 'book-taught' writers don't pick up on.

  Don't get me wrong though - over the years I've devoured all the copywriting greats' greatest teachings -- their best-of-the-best tricks are tattoo'd on my brain.

That's just the way I am, and my clients seem to like it too - quick, non-complicated, effective... and most of all PROFITABLE. 

       HOWEVER... (you knew a 'however' was coming, right? ;)

There IS a catch.

Because I want to make sure my profit word-feasting mind stays fresh, churning out outrageous results for you - NO exceptions. 

After all, Your Results = My Reputation.

My schedule is typically over-booked.

Therefore I've decided to limit the number of clients I take on (I almost shut down on everyone but existing clients but couldn't take the whining on my voicemail.. ;)

If you want to secure my services, you need to fulfill a few simple criteria:

That's about it. Pretty basic stuff right?

Please don't feel offended about that list, I just needed to turn away the tire-kickers to make room for you.

I know you know better since you're still reading this. You KNOW the secret to every successful info business is REAL copywriting.

Now we can move right along!

But first hear out what another of my long-term clients has to say:

Gideon Shalwick of BecomeaBlogger.com sounds off
on his long-term experience working with me

So if you're ready to let me loose on your business and have me crawl under your prospect's skin (don't worry, I'll be gentle ;) to slide their finger onto the order button like some crazed puppetmaster slash illusionist... 

I'm your man.

Let's Talk! 
( It's About Your Six Figure Cheque In Waiting )

To get started working with you, I need to know a few simple things about your business, about your project and any other details I should be aware of. 

I'll also explain to you how I work in practical terms, so we'll both know what we're getting into and what to expect; what will happen, when and how. 

It's all about setting up a true win-win-win scenario!

THEN we can decide to go ahead together, there will be an easy atmosphere of mutual trust and huge results will inevitably follow.

That's just how I work. I want us to get to know each other  a little before jumping in with both hands and feet, that's all. 

I'll be waiting for your call (Skype ID 'juhotunkelo'):
My status
Or your email: email graphic

Here's to Your Outrageous Conversions!

Juho signature
Juho Tunkelo
The Empathy-Response Copywriter

PS - I've run some tests lately on a new 'neat trick' that's increasing conversion by about TEN TIMES - so far.

I can't guarantee it'll work for you, but I haven't seen anyone else do this yet, and it's worked like gangbusters so far.

If you hire me to write your copy, I'll throw in this 'little bonus' on top gratis, just to thank you for your business. 

PPS - As I told you right off the bat, I don't like to toot my own horn much. But since this may be your first exposure to who I am, I should probably warn you. 

I'm not one of those writers who can barely work Microsoft Word and leave the rest up to you. My commitment to you runs much, much deeper.

To maximize conversion, I can take your assignment way beyond just copy - into the world of visual and tactile persuasion. And without going too deep into those here, here's something I've done in the past:

Just so you know I won't leave you hanging as soon as I hand you the copy I wrote. I've been around the block and you're in solid hands.

PPPS. Just because I'm known as the Nice Guy in Copywriting, easy to get along with and so on, don't get the wrong idea. When it comes to maximizing the cash-generating POWER of your sales copy, I pull NO punches.

I may sometimes seem low-key and deceptively mellow at first - but when you put my copy to the test you'll know my copy packs a wallop you've never seen before! 

Maybe it's because I come from the Northern corner of the world called Finland (as in: .fi), known for their skeptical and downright hostile attitude to advertising.

I've had to dig deep to find the angles and combinations that will convert even the most die-hard cynics and skeptics into equally die-hard customers. 

northern lights warm

Staring deep into northern lights to pick up
extra conversion mojo for you ;)

I KNOW how to melt the icy waters of your prospects' resistance, and lead them to the warm embrace of your paying customer list - JUST the way you always wished would happen!

So get in touch to get a FREE evaluation of your project -- I'll go over your product, market, positioning, everything.

Then we can both see clearly, and you can make an informed decision about hiring me, or take your chances with someone else.

Go right ahead:

Oh, I almost forgot. 

Here's some more sample praise from my satisfied customers.

I think their results speak louder than my words!

Stunned Customers Speak!

"A Few Minutes Tweaking My Copy
Filled Up My Coaching Program!"

Lasse Rouhiainen"The other night I needed to quickly launch my new coaching program and have a website out within few hours. I spend a lot of time and effort to writing the basic things on the website on what I was offering.
Then I asked my friend Juho to check the site before putting it online...

... Within few minutes Juho send totally edited version full of extremely powerful word and phrases that made the copy very compelling. I was especially surprised of his ability to very quickly understand what my target market was looking for and using he right results for them.
Did I got any results?
Within few hours after sending out email with the link to this site to my tiny list I already had 6 people who joined without asking any
questions. For me that was a clear sign that Juho has a rare talent of writing extremely powerful copy!"

- Lasse Rouhiainen, Web 2.0 entrepreneur, Spain

"Copy Tuneup Blew Open 
The Doors For  Ebook Sales"

Winsome Coutts"Juho, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the help you have given me for my Sales Page. Your advice has made a huge difference. What I appreciated the most is the way you used the Camtasia and talked me through the process so that I could see exactly what you were talking about, and at the same time, you were actually teaching me about the elements of a Sales Page. The Camtasia made it so simple to make the changes.
I really appreciate your totally professional approach to the task; you showed me places to improve, but didn't make me feel bad about a few of the 'bloopers' I had made, just focussing on the positive all the time. A fine art.
Lastly Juho, for a Finn, your English is fantastic, in fact you could give Shakespeare a run for his money. I just love the way you write."

- Winsome Coutts, Global Secrets Inc., Australia

"Juho's Email Copy Produced Record
DVD Sales

Jamee Culbertson"Juho worked with me on a successful product launch strategy last summer. In fact, my DVD product simply would not have had the amazing success that we had if Juho had not been the one to write the copy for my email marketing campaign.  The response from the people on our list was nearly as fun as the process of mentoring I received from Juho. We received many an email to tell us how interesting, light hearted and informative our email marketing was.  We had record sales in the first week.

I am so impressed with the 'at hand' knowledge Juho has of current technologies that enabled us to work together from different continents.  Whenever I work with Juho I learn something new. I look forward to a continued mentoring relationship. Now that I am 'in the know' about product launches - you see, I have more products for my students on the way - I feel confident in my ability to get the right message out at the right time. And, with Juho's gift of what I call 'craft marketing', someone who can hone in on what's special about the product and find perfect expression for the masses - I smile at the thought of future success internationally. " Thanks Juho!

- Jamee Culbertson, videographer, Way of the Arrow 

"Killer Copy Instinct Revived My Underperforming Landing Page!"

Sakari Turunen"I managed to twist Juho's hand hard enough behind his back so that he gave in to do look through the copy on my underperforming opt-in page. 

At the same time he made a 12-minute screen capture video showing step by step what he was doing and telling the reasons why. 2 minutes into the video I was thinking, "Alright, maybe I will split test this to see how it does against the one I've used". 

After 5 minutes my jaw was just inches above the floor and I was just salivating. With 3 minutes left of the video I almost had to stop the video and go implement the changes right away, just throwing the previous version in the trash can. Always when Juho has anything to say about copy, I'm listening and taking notes.

Having Juho on the team in my weekly mastermind group has really made the difference for me and my business.

Not only can Juho see the big picture as far as marketing and over-all strategy are concerned, but he really crafts killer copy! Just standing next to him when he is in brainstorming (or copy-storming!) mode has helped me write far better copy than I'd ever imagined."

- Sakari Turunen, Photoreading coach, Finland