Philosophy Success Is It Really More Focus You Need.. You Sure About That? You know, for the longest time I was baffled. I had always, ALWAYS been rather superb at focusing on whatever I wanted to do or achieve. Right from pre-school times, whatever. Not a problem in the slightest. This always served me very well, because I could absorb information very easily and as a Written by Juho Tunkelo November 28, 2014November 28, 2014 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Success Seven Universal Steps To Unstoppable Productivity! Hi there! In today’s output and results oriented world, maximizing productivity seems to be the ONE THING practically everyone is going for in total agreement. More productivity, more results, more fulfillment. Right? Well, almost! photo credit: Serdal Because if you maximize your productivity Written by Juho Tunkelo July 4, 2009July 4, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Philosophy Success Focus on Focus Most people, if you ask them if they’re focused, will tell you: yes absolutely I am, of course. Some (not all) of them will even be able to say where they think their focus is: ‘I’m 100% focused on my career‘, ‘I’m totally focused on the wellbeing of my familyR Written by Juho Tunkelo October 5, 2008September 11, 2010 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked