Internet Marketing Trends The Onslaught of Specialized Video Continues I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Now that video sharing is everywhere, the real differentiator features are coming to the fore in a big way… There’s video opt-ins, video with product links, high definition video… and much more. One interesting trend is i Written by Juho Tunkelo April 3, 2008April 9, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing The REAL reason product launches work With a few huge IM launches in 2008 already… Mass Control, SMARTS, and of course PLF 2.0… Have you wondered what it REALLY is that makes these product launches work? I mean yeah, you can crack open PLF and rattle off all the strategies and whatnot. It’s great stuff. But there’ Written by Juho Tunkelo March 30, 2008March 30, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Jason Moffatt – The Bad Boy of Internet Marketing? Ok boys and girls, If you’re not hip to the most informative, most authoritative… okay at least quite definitely the craziest Internet Marketing News available… it’s that time of the month again! This time, Jason ‘Profit’ Moffatt gets an extreme makeover. He’ Written by Juho Tunkelo February 26, 2008February 26, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends Power Trends For 2008 Hi guys, I know it’s February already, so I’m not pretending to put out some kind of 2008 predictions. However, there are some very interesting things happening in our little online world that will have a HUGE effect on what marketers do online. Things like HD video… Gigabit level Written by Juho Tunkelo February 26, 2008February 26, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing An Oddly Satisfying Project! Hi there guys, I’m experiencing something very strange right now… I’m doing the same exact thing as I’ve been doing for the past few years professionally… that is, marketing stuff online and teaching others to do the same. Basic stuff. The good stuff. Profitable stuff. Written by Juho Tunkelo February 19, 2008February 19, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked