Copywriting Internet Marketing Top 6 Email Marketing Misconceptions It still surprises me when business owners new to email marketing (yes, they most certainly DO exist even today) come out with their parade of resistance to the tried-and-tested greatness that is email marketing. So let’s all get together and demolish a few of those fears and misconceptions ri Written by Juho Tunkelo April 11, 2011September 27, 2017 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Internet Marketing 7 Powerful Tests For Your Email Marketing A lot of marketers seem to be doing one of two things right now: Copying formulas from other marketers without thinking: (“your account is approved!”, “bad news” and so on…) Emailing completely without thinking – volume over quality (thinly disguised pitches Written by Juho Tunkelo April 10, 2011April 10, 2011 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Trends Charlie Sheen Marketing Speaking of winning… 😉 If you haven’t been hiding under a rock lately (or wisely shutting down all media), you’re likely to recognize these phrases: “Just… winning every second of my life.” “These people don’t have tigerblood in their veins.” Written by Juho Tunkelo March 4, 2011March 4, 2011 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Internet Marketing Success Three Ways to Leverage in the Online Business Another topic that comes up a lot. Actually, it should, but only those entrepreneurs perceptive enough to ask the right question will ever solve this riddle. Here’s the question: How do I ensure I have enough leverage in my online business in order to make a decent living in my online business Written by Juho Tunkelo February 16, 2011February 16, 2011 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Lifestyle Success 4 Cool Productivity Tools (Warning: Potentially Addictive) Who doesn’t need more productivity in their daily routine? I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who said they’re completely happy with their productivity. Interesting as that is, all I want to do about that today is give you some free tools. Nasty, aren’t I? 🙂 So here Written by Juho Tunkelo February 9, 2011February 9, 2011 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked