Success How To Get Things Done Today Hi there, this is a quickie but a very very important one. Here’s a very simple system I use personally to get things done within a single day. It’s too easy to get distracted, “interested in something new and shiny”, or just take too long to do things… So SOME kind of Written by Juho Tunkelo August 7, 2008August 7, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Success Trends Goal Setting For Kids (About Time, Huh!) Hi there friends, As far as I’m concerned, today is a Very Great Day. One of the reasons it’s great to be alive today is, there’s a wildly important ebook released into the wild today… Go For Your Goals – Goal Setting for Kids! FINALLY! A book for kids to learn not only Written by Juho Tunkelo August 6, 2008August 6, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success Create a product in seven days (or less) Hey folks, Here’s the fruit of an inspiration that hit me today while I was driving around in downtown Helsinki… so I just had to pull over and record this utterly important 2.5 minute quickie for you. Just press play below: So there it is. A product of your own, in seven days or less, Written by Juho Tunkelo August 5, 2008August 6, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success For All Thy Getting… “For all thy getting… get wisdom.” I forget who said the above but it must have been someone really important. 🙂 And it’s important not only because everyone needs to grow in wisdom, it’s also because of the ‘getting things’ part. Everyone is so focused o Written by Juho Tunkelo July 31, 2008July 31, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success The Key to Lasting Joint Ventures In the past few days, I posted videos on what I call the Effortless Lifestyle and the Effortless Business Plan. They elicited some nice feedback, but also some questioned whether it is so easy, justifiedly so. Specifically, the issue of traffic was brought up a couple of times. While I think the ter Written by Juho Tunkelo July 30, 2008July 30, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked