Copywriting The Copywriter’s Crucible So it happened again. With most demanding projects, it happens at some point. I’d done all the research, put together all the pieces, the sales arguments, the benefits, the hooks and the most appealing approaches… But then I hit a snag. Couldn’t get started with the actual writing. After 15+ y Written by Juho Tunkelo August 22, 2019August 22, 2019 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Philosophy Success The Creative Credo: Please Yourself First For all you people-pleasing content creators of all caste and ilk… Hear me now: Please yourself first. Please, please.. bypass all that doubt, mental programming and routine… Please yourself before others.. I insist! Why? Haven’t we all been taught to think of the audience first? O Written by Juho Tunkelo May 26, 2017May 26, 2017 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Common Mistakes of The Rookie Copywriter Alright, alright. I’ve seen enough valiant attempts by newbie copywriters to make me both proud and cringe in (not-so) secret. 🙂 You see, it’s not always pretty when you’re still learning the ropes. It’s totally normal. In fact, it’s often STILL not pretty when you g Written by Juho Tunkelo December 4, 2014December 15, 2017 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Philosophy Success Do You Have The Spark Yet? It usually takes a defining moment of some kind before one finally finds the ‘golden path’ for their work. Especially true for creative work! Goes for you and I too. Case in point: very successful Swedish crime fiction writer Jens Lapidus here relates his defining moment where he started Written by Juho Tunkelo August 29, 2014August 29, 2014 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Why Copywriting Still Matters I hear it from time to time. That copywriting doesn’t really matter anymore, that it’s an antiquated approach to marketing or something. That all you need these days is a Facebook account and a YouTube account, and you’re ready to go. Well, if that were true there wouldn’t re Written by Juho Tunkelo February 26, 2014February 26, 2014 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked