Copywriting Internet Marketing How To Market Effectively In A Global World Hi there folks and followers! All too often, copywriters tend to forget we live in a global world. Even if they see dozens of countries in the order printouts, from their English language, one-size-fits-all promos. Hundredandthirty-howmany-countries total, not just USA, UK and Australia (although gr Written by Juho Tunkelo June 28, 2009July 21, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success How to Create ‘Freedom Income’ At Will Here’s one for you Freedome Lifestyle craving readers out there. About two months ago, I got my hands on an advance copy of a brand new report Aussie blogger Yaro Starak was writing at the time. The working title was ‘Membership Site Masterplan‘, and it outlined in exhaustive detai Written by Juho Tunkelo April 27, 2009April 27, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends Fruugo – Cutting out the Middle Man? As someone currently getting into the e-commerce game big time (actually, returning to it after a few years in between), I’ve been very glad to see a player like Fruugo come up on the scene. There’s been a lot of brouhaha lately about the up-and-coming Social Shopping Search Engine (hey, Written by Juho Tunkelo March 2, 2009March 2, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends How to Create a Hypnotic Video First, let’s let the video do the talking. Check this out: Mesmerizing, isn’t it?Here’s a few pointers that may explain some of it: The tiltshift effect creating the look of a miniature (DSLR with tilted lenses) The stop-motion effect adds an air of hand-made art The beach setting Written by Juho Tunkelo February 27, 2009February 27, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Slurping Up Sumptuous Traffic I always adore it when someone takes on the formidable task of doing a daily show, be it video or audio. Like Gary Vaynerchuck, GeekBrief and a handful of others who have done it a long time. It’s quite a commitment, and takes some inspiration and momentum to keep it happening. And uniquely us Written by Juho Tunkelo February 14, 2009February 14, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked