Internet Marketing Success The Mathematics of Being an Expert Are you an expert, speaker or consultant? If you are, then you are probably spending the bulk of your time on the road, meeting customers. And there’s nothing wrong with that, I used to do that a LOT a few years ago. And still do, but not to the detriment of other things in my Written by Juho Tunkelo November 25, 2008December 2, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends How Mahalo Could Improve I’ve made no secret about the fact that I really, really like Overall, I’m of the opinion that we need a lot more CHOICE than we’ve been having lately, to find things we want in the ever-enlarging haystack called the web. I think the basic idea behind Mahalo is sound, c Written by Juho Tunkelo November 22, 2008November 22, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends New Online Business Model for Bands The other day, I had participated in a fascinating discussion about the state of bands and artists these days. Specifically, about how the business model is unmistakeably transitioning from selling records to selling something else (and nobody seems to know what, exactly). T-shirts, concerts, whatev Written by Juho Tunkelo November 20, 2008September 12, 2010 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success Is A One Person Business a Real Business? On the Internet, EVERYONE’S ALONE. (yes, even with all the social networks around) And Internet Marketers… well, they tend to flock in crowds of one, so to speak. That is, at least until they find out how much that hampers their growth in the long term! And there’s a reason for it, Written by Juho Tunkelo October 4, 2008October 4, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing The Quickest Way to, uh, MMO? Soooo… What’s the quickest way to make some money online? Like all internet entrepreneurs with any modicum of success, I get asked this a lot. Twice today already, and it’s just 10:30. 🙂 So here’s my answer. The quickest way to make money online… there’s two ac Written by Juho Tunkelo September 17, 2008September 27, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked