Conversion Copywriting Internet Marketing Three Goals Any New Site MUST Have Hey! It happens just WAY too often… That a company creates a brand new web site, and when it’s all said and done… They realize they didn’t have any GOALS in mind that the site should serve! Watch this short video where I give you three goals ANY new site should ace, pretty mu Written by Juho Tunkelo December 7, 2015December 7, 2015 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Persuasion Success CarCast: Discipline In Marketing Hey! Here’s something that came to mind as I was spending most of the day darting around in the car… You don’t need to be clever or creative to be effective in marketing… but you do need a measure of discipline. I’ll explain… 🙂 If you haven’t subscribed to my Written by Juho Tunkelo September 17, 2015September 17, 2015 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success CarCast: Brave The Shock Of First Time How my refreshing dip into a cold, cold sea relates to you taking some bold steps in your marketing… Well, just keep watching… 🙂 I may not post every one of my videos here so if you want to keep up, make sure you’ve subscribed to my YouTube channel! Or heck, even Vimeo if you Written by Juho Tunkelo June 21, 2015June 24, 2015 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Technology Slam-Dunk Tools for Online Business Automation Hey there! You and I both know there is an overabundance of tools for any online entrepreneur to use. For every need, there seems to be a TON of choice, and the monthly consensus favorite is ever-changing. So I wanted to compile a modest list of tools that I consider to be of SLAM-DUNK caliber. Tha Written by Juho Tunkelo June 4, 2015June 4, 2015 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Conversion Internet Marketing Technology 3 Ways to Ethically Spy On Your Audience Or Competition You’ve noticed, haven’t you? With every day, week and month that passes, every online marketplace, social network and ad network is getting more and more crowded. Everyone is doing everything, and it’s hard to separate the ones who are successful and those who are not. And if you Written by Juho Tunkelo May 16, 2015May 16, 2015 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked