Success Intake vs Ingestion vs Implementation Let’s take a change of pace into personal development. Here’s something big. It’s important to know when to take in information, and when you’ve had enough. It’s important to ingest that information so it becomes ingrained in your consciousness and forms a foundation fo Written by Juho Tunkelo June 27, 2013June 27, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Success Leading With Your Head… Or Your Heart? You know how some of the oldest wisdom traditions in the world define ‘Enlightenment’? Is it ‘a state of utter, perpetual amazement at life’? Is it ‘a state where all borders collapse within and without, and Unity between all reveals itself’? Well, that may be all Written by Juho Tunkelo June 14, 2013June 14, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Lifestyle Success The Fallacy Of Work-Life Balance Yeah, you know what I’m talking about. People talk about ‘work-life balance’ all the time but I find it basically does NOT exist. Not really. When you take on a job, a career or a business, it becomes a significant part of you. When you do something several hours a day, in some way Written by Juho Tunkelo April 13, 2012April 13, 2012 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Success The Importance Of Having A Customer Avatar Do you know the secret behind every successful piece of advertising, media or entertainment? Here it comes. It is always, ALWAYS designed to be SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO SOMEONE SPECIFIC. Whether that’s conscious or unconscious, it doesn’t really matter. Some lucky people do it unconsciously Written by Juho Tunkelo March 18, 2012March 18, 2012 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Lifestyle Success Trends Why I Love Air Video If you don’t have an iPad, it’s probably no use reading on. If you still think the iPad holds no additional value whatsoever, on second thought, do read on. 🙂 Recently I’ve really grown to love a particular iPad app because it truly makes use of how the iPad is different. Here Written by Juho Tunkelo February 9, 2012February 9, 2012 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked