Lifestyle Success Outrageous Marketing Lessons from Audi Allow me to flog my favorite automotive fetish for a little while… one that hails all the way from the days my father got a Horch (before Audi was Audi) for their wedding… 😉 photo credit: jorbasa Audi used to be the ‘third German luxury car you can’t quite remember’& Written by Juho Tunkelo October 22, 2009October 22, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Success Trends Making Money With Profit-Creating Phones Howdy partner! Let’s get into something way overdue – and nothing if not exciting… Some two years ago I released a report called ‘The iPhone Opportunity’ in limited release – just before the first iPhone came out. If you read that report, you got the first taste o Written by Juho Tunkelo September 4, 2009September 4, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting Why Hire A Copywriter Who Knows What They’re Doing Well, it had to be proven. Illustrated. Beaten to death. But there it is: proof that sales copy needs to be crafted knowing exactly what you’re doing… in what part of the world. After you scroll down to the end of this picture (and you’re not completely aghast 🙂 ) – read m Written by Juho Tunkelo July 13, 2009July 13, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends How to Create a Hypnotic Video First, let’s let the video do the talking. Check this out: Mesmerizing, isn’t it?Here’s a few pointers that may explain some of it: The tiltshift effect creating the look of a miniature (DSLR with tilted lenses) The stop-motion effect adds an air of hand-made art The beach setting Written by Juho Tunkelo February 27, 2009February 27, 2009 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends A Web Poster… Of Course! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something truly innovative in online promotion. I mean, of course there’s little twists here and there every day in the processes we all know and use, but a long time since anything made me go… aaaah, okay! And it doesn’t have to be Written by Juho Tunkelo December 10, 2008December 13, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked