Internet Marketing Success Easy Does It… (Really?) Yeah, I know… there are many things about internet marketing that are difficult. Ok, I’ll give you this: they may SEEM difficult. For someone, it could be the technology. For someone else, it’s the learning curve involved with learning to sell. For yet another, it’s the barri Written by Juho Tunkelo May 26, 2008May 26, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing The Internet Marketing Sweet Spot Here’s a simple question: Have you ever wondered why success on the Internet is so hit-and-miss? In other words, one day you succeed and then you never seem able to replicate it again? Or you do manage to repeat it, but you have no idea how it happened? Then it’s gone again. If this is Written by Juho Tunkelo May 22, 2008May 22, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Philosophy Success The Day Of Money Miracles Do you know what the Vedic calendar is? It’s a little like the Mayan calendar, or Chinese or what have you… The common thread is, you find out millenia-old knowledge about the nature of days, hours, and so on… In short, you get to know when is the best time to do a certain thing Written by Juho Tunkelo May 14, 2008May 14, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Rerun of Advanced Twitter Marketing Hi guys, Here’s something a number of people have been requesting lately – from the archives of my former Marketing Trends blog. The Advanced Twittering minireport (right-click to download – or ctrl-click on a Mac) It’s really an excerpt from my Web 2.0 for Marketers ebook, b Written by Juho Tunkelo May 9, 2008May 9, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Trends Bleeding Edge Marketing To The Nth! Hi dudes and dudettes… If you’ve been following my escapades for some time, you’re probably familiar with the podcast that I do with my buddy Gideon Shalwick from Australia: With our podcast nearing its one year anniversary, we kind of took stock of what we’d achieved so far. Written by Juho Tunkelo April 9, 2008April 9, 2008 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked