Conversion Philosophy Weekend Carcast: Why Catering to Self-Interest Increases Sales Hey there friend! I came across a really interesting Harvard study that had to do with sex, pleasure, preferences… So of course I had to link it to e-commerce and online buying behavior. It’s obvious enough. 🙂 Press play and see for yourself! Pretty cool, right? Once you learn to see Written by Juho Tunkelo July 20, 2013July 20, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Success How to Create a Thriving Local Business From Scratch Hey! Here’s a true gem I’d almost forgotten to publish. This is an interview of one of my local friends and heroes, Mikko Kemppe – the founder of a very well-known Salsa dance school. He spent a number of years all around the United States training with the Masters of Salsa, and wo Written by Juho Tunkelo July 15, 2013July 15, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Success How to Stretch Your Business Brain Here’s a quick thought that came to me in the morning while driving. I think you’ll really like it, especially if you put it to practice. 🙂 There you have it – stretch your imagination and put it on PAPER. Then you’ll KNOW what you need to do to REALLY take it to the next Written by Juho Tunkelo July 2, 2013July 2, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing Why Email Is Actually More Important Than Ever Before Hey! I know this is an old subject, and many consider email itself ‘old hat’ but consider this. Not only is email not defunct or buried under a mountain of spam, or become irrelevant due to social media and whatnot… the truth is the polar opposite! Email has actually become Written by Juho Tunkelo May 13, 2013May 13, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Copywriting How To Use Power Words In Email Marketing Hey! When you send out your customary, monthly newsletter… how much time do you spend reviewing the words you used? I thought so. But don’t feel bad, most other people don’t either. Just the really successful ones do. 🙂 So feast your eyes on a pretty good example of how to do it Written by Juho Tunkelo July 19, 2012July 19, 2012 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked