Internet Marketing Why Email Is Actually More Important Than Ever Before Hey! I know this is an old subject, and many consider email itself ‘old hat’ but consider this. Not only is email not defunct or buried under a mountain of spam, or become irrelevant due to social media and whatnot… the truth is the polar opposite! Email has actually become Written by Juho Tunkelo May 13, 2013May 13, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Conversion Internet Marketing Monday Carcast: On Engagement Okay fellas… Here’s something I whipped up while in the car in the morning. So please do excuse me the vertical frame syndrome, I swear this will be the last time this happens. 😉 So… Engagement is the big deal here, and if you didn’t get a clear idea about it from this vid Written by Juho Tunkelo April 8, 2013April 8, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Internet Marketing The Internet Marketer’s Advanced Analytics SO…. You track your stats, right? Who’s coming in, who’s going out and why, all that kind of stuff. But what do you actually DO with all that data? Is it paying off for your bottom line? Is it REALLY? Do you use it to develop your site to perform better, to know your customers Written by Juho Tunkelo March 26, 2013March 26, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Conversion Internet Marketing Assisted Conversions: Demolishing the Optical Illusion in Internet Marketing Hey! It’s time to demolish an illusion that’s holding back many online businesses. After you ‘get it’, you just might realize you can do a whole lot better. You see, so many marketers just stare at the final threshold of conversion – sales made. End of story. Nothing in Written by Juho Tunkelo March 19, 2013March 19, 2013 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked
Conversion Internet Marketing Do You Split Test Your Product Launches? Hey there. You know how the product launch process is such an arduous one, taking a long time to put together, so many moving parts and all that? And how you’re typically completely exhausted when it’s all finally LIVE, right? If you’ve been through a product launch yourself, been Written by Juho Tunkelo August 6, 2012August 6, 2012 Saving Bookmark this article Bookmarked