Gooood morning fellow marketer…
While I’m yawning my way into a new day, and listening to the sound of a coffee pot churning up some roasted goodness…
photo credit: jenny downing (away)
Let’s explore the three steps that actually takes you from a complete standstill to someone who makes good bank from your very own blog, month by month.
1. BECOME A BLOGGER. Now of course, this is the no-brainer step. You must become a blogger before yuo can monetize that activity. Do what you need to do to set up a site, install your blog software, lay out the graphics, optimize for SEO and so on. Here are the two resources I recommend for doing this step: from Yaro Starak (a series of video tutorials to do everything needed), and (a service that will help you automagically create a SEO optimized blog on a site you host yourself).
2. UNDERSTAND HOW BLOG PROFITS ARE MADE. Before you can run, you need to learn to walk. And to do that, go download the free report called Blog Profits Blueprint. In short, it will show you everything about how things work ‘behind the curtain’ of profitable blogging (as opposed to hubby blogging or vanity blogging).
3. ACCELERATE & ACTUALLY DO IT. While learning about profitable business can be fun, there’s no substitute for actually getting your hands a little dirty and doing it yourself. The only resource I can recommend right now in good conscience is Yaro Starak’s Blog Mastermind coaching. It will tell you exactly what to do, in what order, and how to ultimately collect your profits.
Now, you could justifiably wonder why all three steps involved material from Aussie blogger Yaro Starak.
And the answer to that is: he seems to be the only one who bothered to create resources that will take ANYONE, from a complete standstill, logically from one step to the next, all the way to monthly profits directly from blogging.
And until that situation changes, and I’m sure it will, I warmly suggest you suck in EVERYTHING Yaro has to offer.
Because this stuff works today, it works for anybody, it’s easy to understand… and above all, it is very very clear to implement.
So go for it. Your PayPal account will thank you for it later. đ
PS. If you happen to be a fellow Finn, go check out Marko Pyhäjärvi’s excellent blog on this whole subject of blogging for profits. It’s chock full of great, actionable tips on how to start building income streams through theme blogs designed for business. Updates almost daily, too.
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