I really like it when people go out of their way to do something great for others, at no cost to the beneficiaries.

It goes to show they know giving something of value is not something that makes them have less, but just the opposite.

Sometimes you need to exhale before you inhale. šŸ™‚ In other words, give something so you can honestly ask for something in return.

And that’s so true in business, personal achievement, everything in life.

Pretty soon now, there will be two such events going on online that fit the description. I really like the idea behind both of them, although they’re quite different in approach.


Thirty Day Challenge

The annual Thirty Day Challenge run by Ed Dale and Dan Raine is for people who want to make their first dollar in internet marketing. I think this is the fourth year running, and each year more and more people flock to it, for good reason.

Every year, thousands take the challenge and a good percentage of those who actually do what’s recommended, end up making their $100 or more during the thirty days. Which is nothing to sneeze at, considering it usually takes no money to do it, just tough enough buttocks to sit it out and do what’s required.

Many experienced marketers also take part just because it’s great to get back to basics once in a while, tackle a new market and also see what’s in Ed’s bag of tricks this year.

So see ya there – I’ll be there for sure.

boundless living challenge


Then there’s Bob Doyle’s 45 day Boundless Living Challenge, which is also in pre-launch phase as I write this.

Now this one’s a little different, it’s for people who’d like to use the Law of Attraction and other powerful transformation principles Bob is a champion of.

He’s putting up a great community where he not only facilitates the whole challenge, but also enables participants and spectators alike to mingle and share experiences.

As a side note, the Boundless Living Challenge is also a great example a few other things:

  • How to do a big PR push (both online and offline)
  • How to get people to participate big time (through a truly valuable experience)
  • How to use the Ning social networking platform effectively

So go already, check out both challenges today: here and here. See you there! šŸ™‚

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