1. Copywriting
  2. Internet Marketing

Why You Should NOT Delay Your Product Launch

It’s the 2nd of October today. Know what that means?

It means it’s time to put on your best asbestos suit, grab your gun, and saddle up…

Because it’s PRODUCT LAUNCH SEASON again!

And I know what you’re thinking…

“Oh NOES, not those daily email barrages again, dammit!”

And if you already said that to yourself, take it back. ๐Ÿ™‚

Come on I mean it, take it back now because for all the inbox-hammering nuisance… deep down you KNOW product launches good and nutritious for you:

  1. Watching other people’s product launches is EXCELLENT marketing education (take a step back, look at it all, and put it away in your swipe file)
  2. There ARE actually some excellent, useful products out there being launched(you just have to be honest to yourself about it)
  3. Seeing other people prosper wildly with a product launch – and allowing yourself to be happy for them instead of envious – gets you in the right mood

This last one I wanted to talk to you about on this fine day, as we’re getting ready for the races.


There’s never been a Better AND more Poignant time to do the product launch you always imagined yourself doing.

You know, in that glorious future you saw yourself in, when you justified buying all those Internet Marketing products.


Now take a good look at the following diagram (or whatever).

It’s from a video Jeff Walker the Product Launch Formula man did all the way back in… 2006 I think.

It’s a marketing calendar that shows when people buy the most during the course of a year:

product launch calendar
Annual Product Launch Calendar

If take a quick look at the picture, you’ll notice we’re right in the thick of it right now.

During September, all the product owners have been busy preparing their launches and priming their affiliates..

And very soon you’re going to be seeing the action.

So what am I saying, and why am I saying it? It’s this:

  • Stop thinking product launches are something only for the high and mighty!
  • Everybody’s doing it… and so should you!
  • There’s no time to waste, just get it going NOW!

And why is that?

  1. Because every second you delay and hold on to some job for your financial security, you’re in greater risk of being gobbled up by GESM; the Global Economic Snafu Machine (TM). It’s true.
  2. Because if you don’t launch now, you have to wait a whole year again for the launch season!
  3. Because there’s no reason… no reason at ALL… why you shouldn’t have the same success you see others having!

Now, obviously you know what I’m going to say next.

Because I’m a copywriter, I’m going to pitch my services to you. Granted, guilty as charged.

And I’m going to tell you copy is still the element that determines whether you make any money at ALL (I would say that wouldn’t I, but so would the now-infamous $38 million a year dude so take your pick)


…And in a product launch scenario, the copywriter typically makes a VERY small percentage of total profits compared to the total loot (usually a single digit percentage without participation in profit).

Okay. Now that we got that out of the way, let me tell you where I stand.

I’ve already done the copy for two launches, doing finishing touches on a third one. All in different niches.

I want to stay in the red-hot-writing-flow I’m in right now, so if you’ve got something in the works, ring me up and I’ll tell you exactly how it works.

Ring me up, chat me up… OR visit my copywriting page and fill out the form to get us started.

Talk soon!

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  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Juho Tunkelo. Juho Tunkelo said: New blog post: Why You Should NOT Delay Your Product Launch https://bit.ly/1PlFf2 […]

  • January 4, 2010

    Just found your blog . been following you on twitter for ages.
    I remember that video and diagram. thanks for jogging my memory.
    What are you working on these days? do you have anything in the works to capture some of the january/feb market rush?

    Right now i’m working locally with some of the retailers who did better than they expected for the xmas season, approaching em while they are cash rich, offering to do some internet marketing help, social media and SEO consulting.
    If you’re working on anything thatmight appeal to my subscribers or there is any way i can help in your next launch please feel free to let me know thru email or hit me on twitter.
    thanks and take care
    Glad I found your blog
    @blissfulfun on twitter
    .-= Bryan Bliss´s last blog ..Mom and Pop Mindset Clarifies social media strategy =-.

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