1. Success

Do You Have a Success Compass?

The unfortunate thing about being a frontrunner… is that you sometimes get derided for it.

It goes with the territory, you know.

Like when the movie The Secret came out three years ago, there was just all manner of attacks going around.

Against the movie, against its message, against the very notion of the Law of Attaction.

And yet, many of us had wonderful private screenings filled with good feeling, laughter and amazement (I hosted a fair share of screenings at the time, making good use of my entirely unnecessarily huge house 😉 ).

Cue three years later, and there’s a whole new industry spawned around the Law of Attraction:

LOA is now a household word, and frankly it’s starting to fall on deaf ears…

What better time, then, for a movie like THE COMPASS to come along!

Yes it’s inspirational, yes it builds on The Secret… and yet, it’s on an entirely new level, and nothing if not practical.

Check out this trailer for The Compass, and judge for yourself:

The official trailer for The Compass – HD version available on the official site

So what do you think?! Engaging or what!

I think the tone in this trailer alone (along with the comments from people who were IN The Secret) proves that this one’s worth seeing.

Actually, more like MUST-SEE (these kinds of things don’t come along very often, you know.).

There’s an affordable DVD set available today, and online pay-per-viewcoming any day now (it was supposed to be yesterday, but apparently they wanted to avoid the Friday the 13th jinx, heh…).

Check it out, before it becomes the talk of the day and you’re left staring ahead clueless. 😉

Just kidding, but I guarantee you this movie is going to make some big waves, and you will want to be part of it.

Leave a comment below, and check more goodies at the official site for THE COMPASS.

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