I just got back from a walk down the boardwalk near the sea, and had the iPad with me just in case I needed to check some email or whatever.
But as often happens when one gets to such an inspiring environment, inspiration struck and I had to pull the iPad tucked under my arm, just sit on a bench and write away.
I pretty much expected the tablet experience to get in the way as it doesn’t have the exactness of a real keyboard, or the free-flowing feel of paper and pen.
However… to my surprise and delight, the exact opposite happened!
The super-clear typograhy and layout, the enhanced keyboard provided by the Writer app (landscape, Focus Mode), the non-existence of even the physical keyboard… all sucked me into this vortex of completely, 100% unrestricted writing.
I think I wrote for over an hour, barely stopping for air. Well, the clear sea air was piercing my nostrils so even that was taken care of. 😉
As much as I write for a living, this was an experience that rarely visits. I had to almost be careful not to go too fast so I wouldn’t add something to what was already flowing.
Do you know what I mean? No? Then I implore you to try it. 🙂
It’s a fantastic experience.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the best uses for the iPad in business, and in the process stated it’s best left unused for serious writing. That it’s good for note-taking at best, if that.
So I’m happy to reverse that statement, in some special circumstances at least.
When you’re going to do something really truly creative, and just let the writing FLOW… you need to eliminate ALL distractions. That is, surprisingly enough, where the iPad truly shines.
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