It’s time for another carcast on something crucial to your sales pitch…
Something that came to me as I tried to watch a new series on Netflix…
Check it out, it’s just a couple of minutes of a sunny, bumpy ride inside my Audi
So whatever you do, make sure the opening elements in your pitch go right to the point, and move the pitch along.
Nobody likes a meandering, yawn-inducing, self-involved opening scene in movies… it’s not that different in your marketing copy!
Just keep moving it along…
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good advice, Juho. i definitely agree with this
but don’t give up on Bloodline too quickly. i watched that first season and it was excellent. well worth investing another episode’s worth of your time.
if i recall the first episode correctly it may have dawdled somewhat. but it did use another common tactic that allows one to do this. the repeated flashforward to a dramatic scene that we can expect to encounter in an upcoming episode. this buys time on the part of the storyteller, and even though i usually don’t like to see this approach used to kick off a season (because it does seem lazy), it often gets the job done. the equivalent in copy is the promise of the “big result” that i can help you accomplish if you just stick with me long enough to appreciate my amazing build up to the offer.
Hi Stephen, thanks for your comments. Maybe I’ll give Bloodline another chance yet, though the flash forwards didn’t quite do it for me…