A lot of people trying to get into the Internet Marketing game find it very tough going.
Not only is there a very steep learning curve, so many hats to wear, things to do… but more often than not, there’s a personal motivation – if not a pressing, urgent situation – that makes it all even more tough.
Then you look at all the IM gurus out there, frolicking on the beach… shining their latest cars… just having the time of their lives.
And you think to yourself: “Oh, do they have it made. If only they knew how hard it is for ME…” And so on. You know what I’m talking about. Everyone’s got it easier, right?
Listen. Everybody thinks the same.
And yet, every single one of these gurus I’ve been fortunate to know… and don’t even get into my own story, guru or not… they’ve ALL been through some incredibly tough times and prevailed. Some even repeatedly, and yet found a way to jump right back into it.
Okay, long story short.
The other day I happened upon one such story, written by one of the most visible guru types in the industry (heh heh, I have to chuckle every time I refer to this rowdy bunch of internet marketers as the industry).

That’s right, I’m talking about none other than the infamous The Rich Jerk.
And the man behind the jerk, not exactly a secret anymore, Kelly Felix.

So he wrote up a long-but-riveting story of his life basically, entitled:
This story has everything: humble beginnings, personal tragedies, new kid in town, breakthrough against impossible odds, heavenly strokes of luck,fall from grace, new beginnings.
You know, the stuff we ALL go through. For some, the highs are just a little higher, and the lows a little lower. We all take what we can take, and get what we can get.
So next time you feel like it’s tough going building your new product or building out your business… be aware that it’s just one part of Your Story… to be continued.
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So true that!
I remember when I interviewed Mike Filsaime a few years ago, he talked about a similar thread.
He said a funny thing during the interview…
He said that he pretty much had overnight success… But it was not just one “overnight”… It was countless days working overnight for many years that eventually helped him succeed.
I really love that book, The Magic Story… Kinda sums up the whole thing for me in there. Just LOVE it!
Talk soon!
Gideon Shalwick
Gideon – heh, very true that… “overnight success takes a long time” is certainly often very true..
The Magic Story, oh yeah… gotta re-read that some day soon.