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The Real WHY of Productization, Apps and Web Stores

Hey there!

It’s not Good Friday, but I hope you’re having a good Friday.

Here’s some food for thought for you. The link between the appification of everything, micropayments and consumer psychology.

  • Micropayments only took off when content and software was appropriately packaged and made into ‘app sized’ products you can understand and buy
  • Apple’s app store changed everything – first for the iPhone/iPod Touch, then the iPad – finally the Mac itself. On all platforms, sales went through the roof once introduced. Hmm… wonder why?
The Amazing Chrome Web Store
The Amazing Chrome Web Store

It’s all in the mind – when the mind can fully conceptualize what exactly it’s getting in the transaction, it begins to entertain the possibility of entering into it.

Read that again.

And then go back to your product, look at the packaging and the positioning as if you were a prospective buyer with no prior knowledge of the product.

Will you still be persuaded by the offer, by the pitch – or do you need to go back to the drawing board and wrap it anew.

It’s not cosmetics – except when it is ๐Ÿ˜‰ – it’s done so the prospect has less to do to transform into a customer.

If you can chew the prospect’s meal before they put it into their mouth, you’ll darn well pick up the spoon and munch away. When you check the bottom line – it’s well worth the effort.

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