1. Copywriting

Copywriting Secrets of Tech Writers

Howdy ya’ll…

If you know me from a bar of soap, you’ll know I’ve been writing hard-hitting sales copy for web sites for many years by now.

If you follow the Internet Marketing scene even loosely, you’ve quite probably seen my work around.

But more about that another day, I only mentioned that to lead you in to what I’ve got to offer to you today.

You see, I wasn’t always a copywriter specializing in writing for hyper-skeptical online audiences, for many years I satisfied my creative writing urges in the profession of a Technical Writer.

I was in that profession for about seven years, going from a young gun to gung-ho consultant-for-hire, all the way to CEO in the field.

Without going into much detail right here, it was an important time for me, and although you might not think of it, in many ways it prepared me well for a later career in marketing and copywriting.

There are actually quite a lot of important parallels to draw between the two professions: Tech Writer and Copywriter.

That’s why I wrote a short report for you to sink your teeth into, and you can download it by signing up using this form:

I hope you enjoy it, and please leave some feedback below after you’ve read it.



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Comments to: Copywriting Secrets of Tech Writers
  • July 3, 2009

    I am technical writer, it’s not easy job, but I can think creatively and use my eyesights, wchich i can transformer in code. 🙂

  • July 3, 2009

    You’re right Gabriel, maybe I was a bit harsh in my description of tech writing, but that’s how I experienced it. There’s much worse jobs out there, that’s for sure! Coding would be one of them, but I digress…. 😉

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