When you get into a rut (happens to everyone, myself included), have you ever thought what might be keeping you in that rut?
As with most dilemmas, there are many possible answers.
But the important thing is the solution, and here’s one simple solution you can always use.
Every single day, make it a point to do something you don’t do every day.
I know it may sound simple, but it’s really quite powerful.
Now, you may have heard the saying that “to do the same thing over and over expecting different results, is the definition of insanity“.
And that may be true, if you want to focus on the negative.
The important thing is to really loosen yourself up, every day, especially at the points when you’re just about to start something.
Just after you get up from bed, when you get to your work desk, when you first open up your computer, when you start a meeting, and so on.
These are the moments when you can either lapse into doing what you always do, or choose to do something new and fresh that will set you off in a new direction.
Just try it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much more you end up accomplishing, and prevent repeating old mistakes over and over again.
Worth 30 seconds to consider today, what do you say?
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Show comments Hide commentsShoot! Why didn’t I think of that? It is the LITTLE, SIMPLE things that make such a difference!
Note to self: change it up a bit, Mother Connie!
Thanks oodles!
You’re right Connie, it’s all the little simple things that matter… power lies in the subtle, etc.
Cheers! 🙂