Have you ever been excited about something new, maybe a new business opportunity or a career you wanted to get into?
Or maybe even some of those lifestyle type things: a house you saw and would love to live in – or maybe that sports car you imagine yourself in, driving off to the sunset?
…only to tell this to someone who comes back at you with:
“Yeah but, that’s just a DREAM… without foundation in reality.”
And suddenly your heart sinks and POOF – the dream vanishes, making way for ‘reality’, whatever that is supposed to be.
You know, to be honest, this used to happen to me a lot. A LOT. And considering I’m someone who gets excited about new things about 27 times a day.. it wasn’t always so easy.
And to be even more brutally honest, people generally DON’T say that to me anymore.
Whether it’s because they see I actually make a good chunk of those dreams a reality, or it’s because they think I’m a ‘lost cause’ where ‘reality’ is concerned, I don’t know. Nor do I much care at this point in my life. 🙂
Be that as it may, I recently heard this ‘yeah but it’s just a dream without foundation’ lamentation from someone belittling their OWN dreams, and I just couldn’t believe how shallow it sounded.
Not the person, but the way people allow themselves to think about their innermost impulses, their most closely held wishes in the world!
So I blurted out:
“Of COURSE it’s without foundation. That’s how dreams ARE! At first wonderfully without foundation, freely formed in your imagination, then gradually taking shape into more and more solid substance… and before you know it, it’s right THERE!”
When you hear it like this, it sounds self-evident, doesn’t it? And yet people routinely belittle their dreams before they even have a chance to get off the ground and float – let alone start forming into something more tangible.
Sure, I once dreamed of living in a very large house without any foundation for my wishes. And yet… one day it just happened:

Sure, I once dreamed of leaving a dead-end career in technical communications and make a living as an entrepreneur – with no foundation in reality. And yet… one day it just happened.

Sure, I once dreamed I’d be staying in 5 star hotels without any rhyme or reason to it. And yet… one day it just started happening.
Marble all the way… I like it that way.
So… what’s your unreasonable, wonderful, no foundation in reality DREAM…?
Let it breathe, let it live… and it’ll come to you! Sooner thank you think.
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