Something at once new and familiar seems to be invading my mind like a virus. Coming in from all sides, leaving little room for it to be ignored.
What’s this insistence on figuring out scale?
Doing something on a grander scale?
Isn’t it enough to just serve others and do some good business?
Turns out, sometimes it’s NOT enough and you NEED a rethink. I certainly do.
Usually, I wait and see if I get the same impulse three times close to each other, and when I do I know it’s for real and something to take seriously and explore.
Here’s the 1-2-3 that crept up for me lately, I bet it’s something you also need to be aware of.
1. I read Deepak Chopra’s The Soul of Leadership. I always enjoy Chopra’s books, but this one was a rare unexpected gem. It’s had the most impact since Your Life, Your Legacy by Roger Hamilton.

The outstanding point that seemed to come out of my answers to the questions presented in the book, were surprising to say the least.
I was reminded that in order to realize the Personal Vision in accordance with my Soul Profile, my Mission Statement needs to reflect the size required to bring about those results.
If that sounds like corporate gobbledegook, do not worry. You should buy this book if only for the three-part exercise that takes maybe 20 minutes to complete. It sure pulled things together for me in a great way.
2. I re-watched the awesome Facebook origin story. (The Social Network, about to grab a lap full of Oscars). Throughout the story of how the largest web site and social phenomenon in history was built… it was a story of how figuring out the right scale was and is everything.
Had it stayed as a small scale, exclusive thing for universities, the rest of the world would have been kept out of the loop. Clearly the right choice was made.
3. I read an article by Seth Godin on rightsizing one’s business, and this really hit home albeit like a curve ball.
I originally started out as an entrepreneur who went through all the hassle to get financing, offices, employees, big clients, the works. When that had run its course I went into business with a couple of partnerships, which lasted their own time.
Finally, I ended up essentially self-employed, happily churning through consulting gigs on my own, with the odd info product thrown in.
Suddenly, with these three impulses out there I find myself wondering whether it’s time to hit it big again. Gather up a team, choose some business as well as charitable goals, and go for it.
I have no idea where this leads to, and it’s a feeling I welcome with both hands. For me, at this moment, rightsizing might mean a new direction. If you’d like to be part of it in some fashion (as partner, stakeholder, team member, trainee.. whatever), please leave a comment or hit me up on email (juho (at)
Then again, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, keep reading this blog and it’ll become clear eventually. 😉
I’m sorry this post was largely about good ol’ moi and my intra-cortex machinations of late… it is my blog though so I must assume you’re okay with this getting a little personal from time to time. I have a feeling this might increase.
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Alright Jake, fair enough. 🙂
Things are just about to take shape towards the summer, so keep in touch… But just out of interest, what’s *your* big thing/interest/skill/ambition?